Tuesday 22 May 2012

Day 5 – Island Head Creek – Nothing like a look around the corner

Sunday 20th May 2012
Day 5 – Island Head Creek – Nothing like a look around the corner
22’21.549 E – 150’38.598 S
Pine Tree Point Beach
The wind is still a blowin’, the seas are still a slopin’ but the warm sun is shining and MrJ can’t get Macca (Australia All Over) on the radio without this terrible noise. This makes an offer from Neriki to take out dinghies around the headland past Pine Tree Point to check out the creeks and beaches for their fishing expeditions very attractive. MrJ and I jump in our dinghy to take off very fast as we see Neriki’s dinghy speeding past with Gary and Mercedes off Forever Dreaming on board too.
The coconut game
Down the creek we fly, out towards the creek mouth, out over the high water that is covering the sand spit between Island Head and the beach on the mainland, over the water covered sand spit, past where we saw the old freezer buried in the sand, across the next little bay where the rolly swell is pushing us along, surfing our dinghy and getting sprayed with seawater. On still we go! We have lost sight of the other four as their dinghy disappears behind the next headland. I am so glad that we are going with these sea but do have in the back of my mind that we still have to come back this way.
Picnic on the sand

 After a bit of a jumping and a jostling to get around Pine Tree Point, our little rubber duckie, dinghy surfs in nicely to the beach where we are welcomed by our friendly beach party who have already set up camp o the shore. Cup of coffee anyone?
Gary and Ric went off fishing while Mercedes, Shelly MrJ and I went exploring along the beach and up one of the small creeks that is marked as having a supply of fresh water. No fresh water was found and no crocs (thank goodness), but we did find a great coconut tree which was loaded down with fruit. Mercedes and MrJ had several goes at trying to knock some of the coconuts down but to no avail. Not to worry; it sure was fun just the same and we did come back with a nice collection of beautiful shells.
Wild ride back to ALANA ROSE

Shelly and Mercedes chose to hike back through the bushland track that had been made by other visiting boaties while the boys and I braved the sea. The trip back to Island Head Creek was a bit more than “ordinary” in fact I would say it was a real drenching and was worth of a well deserved rest back on board AR after stripping off to dry down.

1 comment:

  1. Wish we were there with you! Say hi to Miss Behavin for us. We came up from Gold Coast with them.
    Craig and Kerry
