Sunday 20 May 2012

Day3 & 4 - Island Head Creek

Friday 18th May 2012
Day 3 – Island Head Creek - Sitting out the weather
Come out from that umbrella
I wake up early, 0430hrs to the noise of the slapping on the hull as AR has turned with the tide and the wavelets are hitting the bows. I bury my head further down under the cover to pretend that the noise is not happening, to try to get some more wanted sleep. It is not working! I get up!

The wind is still howling, 21knts straight up the creek, the water is still churning and the clouds are still covering the sky with a warmish sun peaking through sometimes. It would be nice to put the kayak in the water, to go for a paddle and see things. The wavelets are putting me off; not too sure how my wrist would handle the rough going so soon after the operation even though the Doc said to use the wrist in day to day things. Is kayaking in heavy going classed as “day to day”? Maybe not! Sigh! :o(

I turn on my computer to find that we have some very low Wi-Fi signal. Only just! The signal keeps dropping in and out. I do manager to get a couple of messages out, post something on the blog and post a couple of photos before the signal drops out completely.
Spilcing a new gateway rail
My afternoon is spent doing some chores around the cabins (keeping up with the de-moulding of the wall is a big job) and while MrJ is doing his chores in the bilge. I know where I prefer to be! ;o)

There is always something to do; next I pull out the reams of copied cruising guides that we have copied from stuff that other people have kindly lent us, to start putting then in plastic sleaves. The one I am doing today is the Western Australian Cruising put out by the Fremantle Yacht Club; reported to be the best guide for the west coast and is nearly 200 pages thick. Luck it has been copied back to back which gives me half the paper.

By now it is late in the afternoon. No shore time today; time for showers drinks (being Friday), dine, a good night’s sleep and great if not better day tomorrow.

Saturday 19th May 2012
Day4 - Island Head Creek – Moved Anchorage

I just about had this internet business! Works when it wants not when I want it too! Drops out on every swinging movement of the boat! Getting pissed off! :o{} I think I will just give up and go home! What am I saying? I am home! ;o) 

Time to get off the boat, even if I do get wet....................................!!!

MrJ saves the day with the suggestion to move AR across the creek; if we can’t get there in the dinghy or me by kayak, then we certainly can in the big boat. So we pull up the anchor and move.

Not so rolly over on this side of the creek with the huge sandbank for protection; still coping the winds but not so much “fetch”, wavelets coming across the water.  The anchorage on the northern side was about 6-7mts at high water; over on the southern side of the creek we are anchored in round 10-12mts at high water (now being spring tides with the new moon).

Later in the afternoon MrJ and I dinghy over to Ric and Shelly’s on Neriki; we end up staying for sundowners and a great chat. I got some stuff to take home and photo copy for Shelly. Some more information of cruising north - you just can't have enough.

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