Tuesday 22 May 2012

Day 6 – Island Head creek – Lunch Anyone

Monday 21 May 2012
Day 6 – Island Head creek – Lunch Anyone

The wind is not blowing as hard except for that occasional gust that nearly sends you off your feet but the seas outside the creek are still running fairly strong so. Looks like we are in for another day in Island Head Creek!

I have been a good girls most mornings; getting up at daybreak to do my yoga exercises being able to enjoy the peacefulness of the early morning to wake up the body and soul and to gather my thoughts. If the boat is rocking too much than I will opt for more floor postures rather than doing the full sun salutes or the standing poses.

AR is not the only boat sitting tight waiting out the weather and having fun enjoying the surroundings and the company of other cruising boats. There is a little community of cruising boats scattered along the north and southern side of the creek.
Nancy, Mercedes, Shelly & Jill (shot taken by MrJ)
Today we have been invited to lunch on Neriki along with the crews off Forever Dreaming, Cooee and Prosper. My contribution to the luncheon was to make an Indian Potato Salad and a Moroccan Cous Cous; both a little bit spicy but both very yummy. Shelly had made a fabulous salami pasta dish and Mercedes brought along the cold meat.

Nice friends and nice food is a great combination, it is a great start to a long afternoon of chit-chat and interesting stories of past adventures. This is the first time that MrJ and I have had the pleasure of meeting up with Jill Knight off Cooee. Jill is a very good, long term writer of many articles for the magazine Cruising Helmsman. We have been reading a lot of her fabulous stories for many years. The lady herself is a very lovely and gracious woman of the world and a delight to be with. Jim off Prosper is another very interest character with his fascinating stories of adventures in Japan apart from other things and a good friend of Jill’s.

Stories exchanged and told and now the day was edging towards the night, so it was time for us to leave our friendly gathering as all good children needed to be heading home. MrJ and I wave goodbye and give a friendly wave to a new boat in the anchorage that is beside AR.

MrJ and I always pull our dinghy up every night. Not only because of the old saying “lock it or lose it”, mainly because if we need to move or get going in a hurry the dinghy is already up and that is one less thing to worry about.
Crew of Endless Dreaming
Just as we were settling back into our life on board we get a radio call from the new comers, Endless Dream with some information about that they were also heading up north and down the west coast. Now the only thing to do was to drop the dinghy again and pay these nice people a visit.

Endless Dream had four people on board (4POB); Brian, the owner/skipper and his wife, crew/friends Graham and Elaine (I am getting better with remembering names). These cruisers had picked up their boat from NSW and were taking her back home to Busselton in Western Australia. There was time for more interesting chit-chat and an exchange of boat cards with an offer for any help to us once we reach the SW coast. Now it was really time to go home.

What a great life this cruising thing is!
ALANA ROSE in the afternoon light

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