Tuesday 21 August 2012

Sail Across to Gloucester Passage in Photos

Sunday 19th August 2112
Sail Across to Gloucester Passage in Photos
Cold, windy and a beam on sea
20'03.713S 148'26.724E - Gloucester Passage
Just a couple of pics from our sail across to Gloucester Passage on Sunday. MrJ has done a little movie of our sail which I'm sure he would have put on his blog.
Doing 7 to 8.5knts all the way with the tide going with us and we even reefed the sails.
What a hoot of a ride!
the weather turns sour
the seas kick up
but the rain holds off
a beam on sea
and AR is hooting along
into the passage
a safe anchorage awaits
AR now lies at anchor in the Gloucester Passage, just off Montes Resort, with several other boats and many more to come for the SICYC Rendezvous (Shagger's Do) next weekend.

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