Tuesday 28 August 2012

Gloucester Passage SICYC Rendezvous (Shagger's Do) August 2012 - part1

Gloucester Passage SICYC Rendezvous (Shagger's Do) August 2012 - part1
Cruising Shagger Boats all at the SICYC Rendezvous
Once again I am doing this posting in photos with very little scribing. All my time has been taken up with either taking photos or editing photos and no time to write. But you what they say - "Every picture tells a story"- so I am expressing my story in pictures.
Shag Island in the late afternoon
Sunday 19th  MrJ and I arrived in Gloucester Passage to drop anchor off the Montes Reef Resort and not too far away from Shag Island.
Our first Sunset in Gloucester Passage
You can't really see the little Croc on WOW's dinghy bow
Monday 20th It rained all day but cleared up in the late afternoon. Raewyn and Martin off WOW came over for sundowners and ended up staying for dinner.

Tuesday 21stWe took a stroll along the beach where we met other Shaggers.

We took lots of photos

and then watched a blood red sunset across the sea.
Wednesday 22nd  bought a colourful sunrise
and lots of hard work setting things up.......
while others went off and enjoyed the warm sunshine
but at the end of the day there is always Sundowners with friends.
Thursday 23rd brings another new day............
with a ladies tennis morning
just look at that ball-girl go....!!!
In the evening we had the Shaggers Meet & Greet welcome Sundowners and first party night.



and then we shared a sunset
Friday, Saturday and Sunday will have to be another posting - there are just so many great photos!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely to catch up with your adventures!
    Miss you guys - wish we were there!

    Craig & Kerry
