Wednesday 4 July 2012

Mundane Days - Airlie beach

Monday 2nd July 2012
Monday sunrise
In the morning MrJ and I went for a walk up to the Whitsunday Shopping Centre. The day temperatures are still warm enough to be in shorts and t-shirt to walk along the boardwalk to the shops where we picked up a few grocery items and then walked back to the dinghy and home.
The same local mono-hull boat that was alongside at the public dock was still sitting there. Originally their story was something about a broken anchor winch and not being able to anchor out. That’s fine but I do know that some of the other boaties were beginning to whinge about the mono’s continuing presence as this boat was taking up precious space and time on the only public dock in this area.
In the afternoon MrJ went over to Neriki to help Ric put his sail back up while I stayed home and did some cooking. I made a traditional Lasagne from scratch, for our dinner and it was so yummy that MrJ had seconds.
The anchorage
I rang Carla and her kids, Isabella, Olivia and Edward and Manda and her kids, Kai, Bridie and Piper. It was so good to hear their voices again, to hear of all their adventures whether at play or at school and to know that they are all safe and warn in their own little place.

Tuesday 3rd July 2012
Feeding our faces
In the morning MrJ and I caught the bus to the Centro Shopping Plaza in Cannonvale. MrJ bought some new undies in Best and Less but I had no luck getting the shorts that I wanted. I checked in Best and Less, Big W, Rockmans and Millers; the summer stock was finished and now the winter stock was out. We then had a look in Rivers where MrJ bought some new shirts and BCF where we bought some small butane bottles for our single portable burn which we can take ashore on the beaches to cook a BBQ, before catching the bus back as far as Home Hardware on the Shute Road where we bought some water hose. I had a quick look in the Vinnie’s shop nearby; it was packed and was interested to see how many young backpackers were in there buying up. This must save them heap not being able to carry too much on their backs and at the end of their trip any clothes that are still okay will get returned to a second hand shop somewhere before they leave the country.
From the Vinnie’s shop we walked up the road to the Whitsunday shops stopping at the computer shop on the way. The fellow in the computer shop gave me some good advice that was to buy another external hard drive to back up all my photography work.  At the Whitsunday shops MrJ and I went into a Dick Smiths shop and bought the just that hard drive for my computer.
Full moon over the marina
What a morning of shopping and walking! MrJ and I needed to replenish our energies by ordering a sandwich and coffee at Marino’s Cafe and sitting for a while.
The same mono-hull had been still attached to the public dock; now the story goes that they were also waiting on delivery of an outboard motor for their tender. On our return from the shop the boat had moved off leaving the public dock free once more.

Wednesday 4th July 2012
Empty streets
AR is still anchored off the western break wall in Pioneer Bay and will be for some time with high winds expected right through to next week. The days and nights are getting cooler, I had to wear a pair of jeans and a light jumper up town this morning but had the jumper peeled off by after lunch time and back on again round three thirty flourish.
I walked into the township of Airlie via the waterfront boardwalk and up the main street where there was not much happening for being the middle of school holidays. The most movement on the street was some road works happening which slowed the trickling traffic to a crawl. There were some tourist on the footpath and in the shops but still not as many as I had expected. Time are really tough in the tourist towns these days. After looking in a couple of shops and not getting anything I decided to catch the bus up to the Whitsunday Shopping Centre where MrJ and I went the other day and boght a toy dinosaur for one of my photographic challenges. ha, ha, ha!!!! Should have seen the looks I got on the way home, taking photos of my new toy sitting on the grass, in the park garden or on the rock pools. hahaha!!!!


  1. I always thought you might be a bit on the strange side lol

  2. Enjoy.....we are freezing down here!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
