Sunday 1 July 2012

Back in Airlie Beach

Sunday 1st July 2012

Back in Airlie Beach
Sunny and warm
20'15.893 - 148'42.429E
Smoke in the evening sky
Friday: MrJ and I had a good sail on Friday over from Cid Harbour to Able Point where we are at anchor. Unable to get alongside at the public dock to fill our tanks with water, we anchored out the back of the moored boats once more, not too far away from Neriki.
The walk into Airlie

Saturday: 0800h MrJ and I dinghied into the marina and walked into Airlie Beach to go to the market; buying some fresh vegetables and meat from the local produce stalls. MrJ got himself two more books to read.

Airlie Beach & markets
At the markets we ran into Shelly and Ric off Neriki and Sandy and Kelvin from Grotty Yachty and then it was off for an early lunch/morning tea was a homemade beef pie and an iced coffee.
Back on AR; MrJ went back in the dinghy with the water jerrys to fill and then we did some washing, washing the bedding and towels. MrJ does the washing onboard as he is the person strong enough to lift the water jerrys to fill our little wash machine. I usual hang the washing out on the lines that we have strung over the fore dace. While MrJ get the washing going I had already started with the cleanup inside.
There was even time for a short afternoon read/rest on the tramps before a quick shower before going over to Neriki for the evening.

Sunday: No rest for the wicked! Up and off early again, this time taking AR into the marina boat harbour to get her water tanks filled.
Alongside at the public dock
We motored inside of the protective break walls just after 0700h to find that there was another boat at the public dock. I called out to them to get the reply that their boat was broken down and that we could tie up alongside of them. Which we did and that is how we got our water; by stretching our water hose across the other boat’s deck to fill our tanks and jerry cans.

Just before we had finished one more boat came in; a larger catamaran than us, Penrod II, a big yellow cat owned by a friend Ken. No sooner had we moved off than he was coming alongside too. There was a lot of movement early in the boat harbour, tourist boats The Wave Breaker and Camira the large purple catamaran were on the move plus the interisland ferry Orca. MrJ put AR in line, in the middle of these other boat to leave the harbour to return to our old anchorage from last season beside the western break wall of the marina.
Another morning in another anchorage
Bacon and eggs for breakfast and listening to Macca, Australia All Over on a Sunday morning!

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