Tuesday 13 March 2012

One For The Bucket List

This has to be one of the things that is on my bucket list - you know - things that you want to do before you kick the bucket.
To sail all the way around Australia is a bloody long way and will take us, me and John, over two years to complete. (others have done it is less, but not us)
The first preparation job for John is borrowing or copying all the imformation that anyone has written about any part of this trip. Meanwhile I have bought some new charts from the "states" and have thrown out all my high heeled shoes. Something on - something off is the rule on our boat and I wont be needing heels on this little adventure.
MBTBC Marina at Sunrise


  1. Great to hear and we look forward to keeping uP with your adventures!

    Kerry and Craig

  2. have fun! Not sure about throwing out the heels though.......I couldn't come at that lol

    Rob & Chris

  3. Capt E + First Mate Me [ C ] ="Old Bestie"15 March 2012 at 18:02

    Bravo! You two rock-on! Capt E excells at putting de rum in de coconuts & I'm always keen for a 'jam'! See you for sundowners & sing alongs! Bon Voyage!Love "Restless M" duo

    1. Hey Old Bestie - will ring you when we are going down to the Gold Coast
