Wednesday 14 March 2012

Just a slight hic-up to my sailing plans.

My right wrist was injured last year as we were sailing south from Cairns. You know how it is; in the moment of the sail, changing sail plan and pulling lines and getting hurt fits in there sometimes.
I was thinking / hoping that it was just a sprain; as you do, but I knew better - something; like excruciating pain and the fact that I could not use my hand, was a dead give away.
Went to a couple of doctors along the way, who did not give me their excellent service, maybe because I was a fly-in and not a regular customer - who knows. I did get an Xray and a physio visit out of all that and still no relief. One thing I did come away with was a piece of advise from the young lady physio - to buy a thumb splint / guard, which I did while down in Lake Macquarie near Newcastle in NSW and have been wearing it ever since.
The injury is still there although the pain is more localized to the one spot. Still cannot use my hand/ thumb for most things.
My doctor in Brisbane sent me for an ultrasound and off to the "hand doc". so now I am booked in for surgery next we and am looking forward to a full recovery in about six weeks. Then we can sail............!!!!
Moreton Bay, Manly, QLD at Low Tide


  1. Here's wishing you to a speedy recovery from s/v Tahina. We're also headed north this year from Bundaberg. We'll keep an eye out for you and make sure to say "Hi" if we run across Alana Rose.

    1. I'm sure we will meet up somewhere along the track

  2. I will be following your posts as you travel. If it is ok with you I will put your link on our blog site.
    As you may have read we are not doing anymore extended cruising, and have put the boat on the market. I too had surgery this year, and it came as quite a shock to us both.
    We plan on settling in the hills of Cairns so when you're passing through, and if you have the time we'll come down and say hello.
    We will be buying a smaller boat to get us out to the reefs as this is what we both LOVE to do!
    Happy travels and a good outcome and speedy recovery to your surgery!
