Saturday 1 March 2014

A Place on the Huon River - The Village of Franklin

the Huon River
A Place on the Huon River  - The Village of Franklin
Monday 10th Feb 2014

Tasmania has always been known for its wooden boats; everywhere we have been so far I have seen wooden boats everywhere. Wooden boats on the water, in the marinas, moored out, alongside jetties, on private holding and even lying along the foreshore. There is nothing quite so beautiful in the water as a wooden boat, there is something ancient, enduring and sensual in the shape of a wooden boat, and the promise of what may lie over the horizon.

Every two years round February at Hobart's Sullivan's Cove, Tasmania holds the Australian Wooden Boat Festival where not only do the local boats turn out but you can get some wooden boats from all over the world. 
You'll find an enormous collection of wooden boats; a big display of model boats; many permanent and temporary food outlets with an emphasis on fresh Tasmanian seafood; nautical skill demonstrations; live music and theatre; boat handling demonstrations, trade exhibitions, community groups and much more. Unfortunately for me this was not the year; 2015 will be the next festival.
orchard on the Huon
can't takes these home
antique shop at Franklin
the wooden boat centre
This being so MrJ and I took a little road trip inland, following the Huon River, to Huonville and Franklin stopping on the way to buy fruit from the local orchard, nicking into a beautiful old building to admire the antiques (they don’t fit on my boat) and stopping in at the dockside at Franklin where we discovered a Wooden Boat Centre. 

the jetty marina at Franklin, on the Huon River

I was very disappointed to find that it was closed! But not to be discouraged I peeked in the windows, explored the bits and pieces lying around outside and then took a stroll around the jetty/marina area with its antiquated charm, from the timber jetties and pile moorings, to the mirror like calmness of the Huon River graced with elegant craft gently making their way downstream. A beautiful setting!
I spent time exploring the boatyard while MrJ and our friend Sue went onto the jetty
Franklin A Working Waterfront

the Huon River - looking down stream
detailed craftsmanship 
old wooden boat
brightly decorated wooden house boat
Time stands still in places like Franklin. 

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