Monday 14 October 2013

Cape Leveque to Broome WA

13th - 15th July 2013 - Passage to Broome
Cape Leveque
the morning brings a glorious sunrise across the King Sounds

as we sail out Cape Leveque is drenched in sunlight - beautiful

it is not long befor MrJ has hooked a fish

Just look at the concentration on this face

bagged a good one - proud as punch

did see a whale or two but too far away to get any decent photos

mean while I go back to playing with my camera, trying to catch every bit of sunlight that I can
Beagle Bay
the sea was dead flat calm

we passed two people fishing in a small tinnie

then there were more people out fishing near Emeriau Point

this was to be the beginning of the sand hills coastline that never stops

a nice sunset to end our day and another boat travelling the same route

I wake to a dramatic sunrise that covers the entire sky
s/v Capers is already on the move
Cape Baskerville
we see more whales in the distance
one swam under the boat and popped up some distance away on the other side

the setting sun reflect red through the large rocky headlands

good night
Sail into Broome
sunrise on the dunes

the sea was rough was the deck

the sea washed throuth the tramps

MrJ had to re-secure the tinnie on the davit

the seawater washed over the hatches (windows)

we did get to see heaps of whales playing and splashing in the morning sunlight
We have made it to Broome...............................
we arrive at the anchorage off Gantheaume Point Beach MrJ flies the flags
sand dunes

and tourist boats

this is Broome

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