Sunday 18 August 2013

Rainy Days in Purulba Creek, Prince Regent River

Thursday 20th June 2013
Rainy Days in Purulba Creek, Prince Regent River

I had woken to more spots of rain on the canvas and a bad headache but the rain didn’t last for very long. 0530 MrJ and I were on our way again; catching the tide to go into the Prince Regent River. Once in the river there were sandbars, reefs and rocky mangrove islands to look out for, all of which have been accurately marked in the Freemantle Sailing Club Guide.

raining in the creek

Our first anchorage was a mile up the second large creek, Purulba Creek past the big sandbar at the mouth on the northern side of the river. Here AR was sitting right under another beautiful rocky cliff face. A beautiful calm anchorage! (15'29.726S - 125'09.993E)

refueling the boat

This day I had) before breakfast moved house (location), after breakfast cleaned the floors, (breakfast is important) and then went to the shop. What did I get? I picked up three tins of peaches and four tins of baked beans. I did think about some bread but that could wait until the next day. What shop? Why my shop, my shop in the mid ships bilge. ;o)) Curried fish and rice for dinner!

The weather was still very overcast and coolish, cool enough for me to be a light long sleeve shirt with my shorts and in the evening I had to put on a pair of light long pants. We also needed more than just the sheets on the bed at night. This must be the winter part of the Kimberley’s!

The sun came out on the last day.
and we were able to have showers on deck
the sun came out on the last day

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