Friday 26 July 2013

One Night at McGowan’s Island Beach Campground

Monday 10th June 2013
One Night at McGowan’s Island Beach Campground
14’08.706S – 126’38.742E
McGowan's Beach
MrJ and I were on the move again. We weighed anchor to motor sail while trying to catch the tide out and around the corner into the main part of Napier Broome Bay and to McGowan’s Island Beach Campground. MrJ had put the trolling line out; there were plenty of seabird out and about chasing schools of smaller fish and maybe there were some bigger fish in on the chase. Shark for dinner!

As AR approached the small bay at McGowan’s I radioed ahead to make sure it was ok to come in and anchor. I spoke to Robert, Glen’s friend, who was one of the traditional owners. MrJ and I anchored AR just out from the beach near the big yellow mooring buoys. There was another yellow maker for a big rock out past the mooring buoys and we had been told that there was another rock close into shore and not to go past the mooring buoys which we did not. Another boat, a big motorboat, Murrundi was already at this anchorage and a bit later in the afternoon Tryphena, the boat that we had passed in the King George River, came in.
McGowan’s was a hive of activity with several campers wandering about in the campgrounds, more campers out in tinnies fishing and us making several trip into shore for loads of diesel and water in our tinny and then Peter and Shannon off Tryphena doing the same later that day. A very popular campground!
getting fuel Kimberley style - from an old Grace Bros truck - what else, of course....!
AR and Murrundi anchored off the McGowan beach

McGowan’s had a big fuel truck/tanker parked on the beach for boat to get diesel from; some boat would run up on the beach at high tide to fill straight from the tanker. We had already partly filled our fuel tanks from the jerries that we carry on board so it was much more practical for us to refill the jerries, cart them back to the boat and to top up the tanks, which took about 80lt and then make a second trip back to the fuel tank for Robert to refill some of the jerries. MrJ and I paid for our fuel which was $2.70 per litre by Efpos at the office when we had finished. I had stayed on shore while MrJ took the first fuel load back to AR; I went for a little wander around the beach area taking photos. The same kinda thing was done with the water containers; filled from a tap next to the fuel tankers. I think we made three trips for water.
what a cute water girl ;o)))

Before the last trip in for water, MrJ and I pulled the little washing machine out and did our washing, about eight loads in the little machine which is equivalent to four normal loads in a small domestic machine; bedding, towels, clothes and a couple of towelling floor mats. I then had a great freshwater shower and washed my hair. No wonder it took so many trips to get water!

After all that hard work MrJ and I were rewarded with a great visit over to Murrundi for sundowners. It was so nice to be able to meet the wonderful people of the other boats that we speak to over the airways. A great evening was had by all!


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