Sunday 11 November 2012

Through the Locks at Bayview

Saturday 2nd November 2012

Through the Locks at Bayview
12’26.434S – 130’51.530E

I have not been in Darwin since 1996 and am amazed at the changes that have happened over the years - sailing in, the tall buildings now dominate the skyline , they were not there before - such a cosmopolitan city these days - this is called progress.
Rob & Alison

MrJ picked up Alison and Rob from the boat ramp; they were going to help us through the lock.
This was the first time MrJ and I have met them and now we all get on like a house on fire – that’s boating people for you.

the Livestock Express
Motored through the harbour

ready to sink

Past some of the new
And old wharfs
new shipping terminal wharf
the old Stockshill Wharf is now a cafe and tourist wharf
And fishing/pearling docks

Up the creek

look how small that gate is...................!!!
And into the lock with only a few centermetres to spare.
you definately need rope handlers
All hands on deck and some more

and helpers

Nearly didn’t make it through, a bit wider once inside the lock, it was just getting through that narrow gate.

and a good Skipper to get through the lock

The current tried to take us and the Skipper became very stressed

Jo, the lockmaster

Made it with a couple of scratches

the gate is open but the paperwork first before AR can move off

A scary moment or two

"Babe", Rob & Alison's boat - hey there's Lockie and Kyle, Rob & Alison's two boys

Thank goodness for the calm waters inside the waterway
Did a lap of the waterway while waiting for our berth
Now safe and sound in the marina behind the locks

good crew is hrd to find..............!  ;o))))
Thanks to our friends Rob and Alison for all their help for without it MrJ and I would be still floating around somewhere out there somewhere as the cyclone season approaches.




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