Tuesday 4 September 2012

SICYC - Parrot Head Party

Saturday 25th was a very busy day for this little Shagger.
Morning tea on board
Pesky raffle ticket sellers
First off ALANA ROSE hosted a morning tea on board which went through to lunchtime, as it does. Next was get dressed for the big Shaggers Parrot Head Party at Montes Reef Resort http://www.montesreefresort.com.au/
George and Maree's wedding
Done all the checks
and go ashore where I was the photographer for (Warp Drive) George and Maree's Wedding on the beach and then I was whisked away by my mate Mark, to my waiting helicopter and the ride of a lifetime. It was strip off the layer of party gear and anything else that was loose, tie my hair in and strap my camera to my body. The door had been taken off the chopper for a better view and I was not going to lose my camera. Up in the air we could see for miles! I have been in a chopper several times before but this time it was as official photographer for the SICYC Shaggers Rendezvous. And I got the front seat! ;o) I think I countered about 140 boats and I’m guessing around 400 people on the ground.
After I had come back to ground I once more donned my party attire and went off into the milling crowd to do my job and mingle with the Party Shaggers. The band Barbary Coasters Duo, was playing Jimmy Buffet music type songs, the food was good, and the Shaggers were happy.
Here are a few highlights of the night:
Yellow Parrot Carolyn
Stewart's painted head
The lovely Susan
Mercedes & Gary
Some dancing girls
Barbary Coasters Duo
The winners presentation
and the Hogster arrived - seen here with Pam
the party-goers spilled out onto the beach
Kath danced on the table
Ken & Rhonda - our wonderful leaders


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