Friday 7 September 2012

Gloucester to Townsville

Sailing to Upstart
Tuesday 28th Aug – Leave Gloucester and Sail to Cape Upstart with 5 other SICYC boats
Abbot Point Jetty didn't get a shot of the whales :o(
                                     Three lots of whales around Abbot Point
Phase II passing Nefetiti
MrJ masters the wing-on-wing sailing
Shark Bay Cape Upstart
We anchor in Shark Bay. By morning 12 boats all told in the bay.
A peaceful night
Wednesday 29th Aug – leave Upstart at 0400h
Morning at Cape Upstart
Wednesday 29th Aug – leave Upstart at 0400h
MOONGLADE past us in the early morning sunlight
Whales off Cape Bowling Green - can you see the whale?

Sailing with Nefetiti, Moonglade, and Pioneer

Lighthouse on Cape Cleveland
Sail through to Breakwater Marina Townsville
Cape Cleveland

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