Friday 10 August 2012

The Week As It Was in the Whitsundays

Friday 10th August 2012
The Week As It Was in the Whitsundays
Warn sunny days and cool nights – no rain
Before the Dawn - Macona Inlet
This morning finds MrJ and I back in Mays Bay waiting for the wind to change for the worse. Here is my account, in pictures, of what we have been up to in the past week or since I put any writing down.

Sunrise at South Molle

The Friendly Swallow are always visiting

Friday 3rd: sailed back to Able Point; me keeping my foot up and MrJ doing all the work.

Party on "Pioneer"

Saturday 4th: My birthday, I with my foot still up resting and MrJ went into the markets for supplies. Sundowners on board John and Marjanne’s boat Pioneer. Great way to celebrate with ten other boatie friends!


Shagger's BBQ
Sunday 5th: Woke up with a bit of a headache; maybe something to do with the food I ate the night before! ;o)))) The there was a BBQ lunch for the SICYC (Shag Islet Cruising Yacht Club, Shaggers) on Shingles Beach with more boatie friends to catch up. Only soda water for me!
I stayed on board and watched the world go by
Monday 6th: MrJ went shopping, by himself, while I had to stay home and rest the ankle again, after hobbling around too much at the BBQ on Sunday. MrJ then did a fuel and gas bottle run into the marina while I packed away the groceries.
Public dock, marina and boat harbour at Able Point

Tuesday 7th: Very early for some, 0700hs, MrJ and I took AR into the public jetty for water and a wash down. MrJ was doing all the work again while I hobbled around to the local shop for muffins, croissants and iced coffees. I can see that the workman are still rebuilding the public boat ramp next to the dock.

We then left Able Point for Langford Island; took up a mooring buoy and stayed there the night.

MrJ's Port & STB markers

After an early lunch MrJ and I we ashore onto the sand spit of Langford Island; the tide was rising cutting the sand spit off from the small island. There were a few tourists on the sand spit.

Langford Island
If I has a long wall these three photos would link up

Solway Lass
Tourist boat
One of MrJ's favourite

And one of my favourites
The next morning I woke up and found the place empty
Hayman Island Resort
A hitchhiker on the way to Blue Pearl Bay

Wednesday 8th: After a leisurely breakfast MrJ and I left the mooring at Langford and slow sailed across to the NW side of Hayman Island to pick up another mooring in Blue Pearl Bay.

Blue Pearl Bay

The water was too rippling to do any snorkelling; instead we had morning tea while watching the antics of the tourists and then left. Sometime you have to feel sorry for the tourists; they pay big money to do what we are doing but don’t always get to see due to the wind and weather condition. At least we can come back another day.

As MrJ and I came around the top end of Hayman Island and down through the Southern Passage between Hayman and Hook Island, we received a phone call from Gary and Mercedes on Forever Dreaming. They had just left Langford and were heading for Macona Inlet for a couple of day to get some jobs done on their boat. That was enough information for us so off we went to Macona Inlet as well; catch up with Forever Dreaming just before the bottom Point of Hook Island, near False Nara Bay. Afternoon and sundowners on ALANA ROSE!
Spray over ALANA ROSE's bow

Sunset in Macona Inlet (Forever Dreaming)
Mrj fixing hatches

Thursday 9th: MrJ has been working on the seals around the top hatches; starting with the small head (bathroom) ones. I managed to give the inside and the floors of the boat a good cleaning.

Wild dolphin

We see dolphins in the afternoon feeding around the coral patches. Not that I was close enough to get any great shots.

MrJ end our special day by having Sundowners and dinner on Forever Dreaming and then next morning we wake up to another beautiful day.
Morning in Macona Inlet


  1. Beautiful pictures! Keep them coming.

    sv Camille

  2. Hi Nancy,
    I have recently found your blog and have been following you up the coast.
    I love these pics!
    I am very envious of your lifestyle.
    I can only hope I can do what you two are doing oneday.
    Thanks for the inspiration!
