Sunday 29 July 2012

Another Wonderful Whitsunday Week

Sunday 29th July 2012
Another Wonderful Whitsunday Week
Warm days, cold nights
My photo that made #1 on Flickr Explore on 26th July 2012, taken in the marina
Alana Rose is now anchored back in Mays Bay after a fun filled week since my last posting.
Mays Bay - Sunday 21st - Monday 22nd
Sunday Sunset - Mays Bay
Received a special message that one of my photos had been picked for ABC News24 weather show slide-show: We really loved this image and are happy to let you know that it's been chosen to feature in a slideshow as part of the TV show 'The Weather Quarter' with Jenny Woodward. ABC News 24 - The Weather Quarter
To see your work just tune into ABC News 24: THURSDAY JULY 26 @ 18.45 & 22:45 - SATURDAY JULY 28 @ 23:45 - WEDNESDAY AUGUST 1 @ 17:45 So over the moon about this one!

Able Point Marina - Tuesday 24th
Meeting Reece at Sorrento's
MrJ and I sailed across the Whitsunday passage to go into the Able Point Marina. This is where we were to first meet up with Reece Birch, our FB friend from Perth. Reece and his wife Shirl had come all the way over from Perth for a holiday at Airlie Beach and a chance to get out to the islands. What else could we do but offer a free ride!

Sailing with Reece and Shirl - Wednesday 25th
Reece and Shirl onboard AR for the first day of their sail around the islands:
A quick look at the charts
Shirl enjoying the ride
Reece, Shirl & Nancy at Hill Inlet
We sailed across the Whitsunday Passage, through Hook Passage and into Tongue Bay where we  walked up to the Hill Inlet lookout before having lunch on board. After luch we sailed back through the Hook Passage and into Macona Inlet for the night.

Reece and Shirl - Thursday 26th
Day two – We wake up in peaceful Macona Inlet to a visit from a group of dolphins, not that you can see them very well in my picture.
Dolphins in Macona Inlet
Sawmill Beach
After a cooked breakfast we head over to Sawmill Beach in Cid harbour where the boys go for a hike over to Dugong Beachwhile we girls play around on the coarse sand beach picking up shells. After a late lunch on board we then sail back across the Whitsunday Passage and back to the marina boat harbour at Able Point where MrJ and I say farewell to Reece and Shirl.

Friday 27th finds us anchored off Able Point once more; this time to go to the shop, get some more fuel in the Jerries and have a Sundowners pizza meal at Sorrento’s with Reece and Shirl before they leave Airlie Beach.

MrJ and I decided to make a Night Run for Cid Harbour as the weather had changed; there was an uncomfortable wind, swell and wind waves coming in from the North.
Sunrise in Cid Harbour
Saturday 28th - We wake up in Cid Harbour off sawmill Beach and after breakfast we move over to the calm anchorage of Mays Bay where we are alone in the wilderness once again.

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