Thursday 21 June 2012

Sundowners and Sails - Anchored Off Able Point

Thursday 21st June 2012
Sundowners and Sails - Anchored Off Able Point
Cool nights, warm sunny days
A Slice of Life - sunrise at Able Point
Yesterday, Wednesday, MrJ and I walked into Cannonvale to do some grocery shopping. Getting a taxi back to the public dock to load everything into the dinghy and then taking our load home to AR, to unpack which takes the better part of the afternoon.
Taken on our walk to Cannonvale - AR out the back

Late that afternoon the crowd, us Gary, Mercedes and Ric, went to the downstairs pub at Sorrento’s for sundowners and pizza; two pizzas for $15 between 3pm and 5pm. Too good a deal not to take! We did order 6 pizzas but ended up with 5 at the discounted prise. Yummo!

Ric and Mrj pull down Neriki's sails

Today, Thursday, I stayed at home and did the cleaning. I cleaned the bathrooms and cabins while MrJ was out helping Ric get his sails down. Ric needed to get the mainsail, genoa and sailbag down to take to the sail maker at the marina harbour ship yard for repairs and I needed to get some cleaning done so it was good that MrJ went off for the morning.

This afternoon Forever Dreaming went back in the water and is now anchored behind AR.

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