Tuesday 19 June 2012

Hook Passage and Macona Inlet

Sunday 17th June 2012
20’09.373 - 148’55.707
Slipping through Hook Passage on the way to Macona Inlet
Cool nights, warm days
The turbulent waters of Hook Passage
0635h MrJ and I leave Tongue Bay early to catch the tide to go through Hook Passage. Passing Peter Head when MrJ puts out the trolling line but I think that we may be sailing too fast to catch anything. True! Peter Head is a magnificent bluff headland on the NE side of Whitsunday Island. It looms above us as we sail underneath. MrJ hauled the trolling line in as we entered the turbulent waters inside Hook Passage. Nothing bad, just looks scary as the sea water boils and bubbles around AR. We push on into the calm sea on the other side and then turning to starboard MrJ heads AR for Macona Inlet. Macona Inlet is the first inlet we come to on the southern side of Hook Island; the second inlet is Nara Inlet which is where most of the charter boats head for.
Peter Head Whitsunday Island in the morning sunrise

There were only a few charter boats in this large inlet and two were near where we anchored. Not that this worries MrJ and I; we only wanted somewhere to sit quietly for a couple of days, to get some internet service and catch up on our writing and photos, which we did, in Macona Inlet.

Monday 18th June 2012
Rest Day - Macona Inlet

The days are still warm and the nights have turned cold. In the mornings I found dew on the deck when I had climbed out of my warm bed and ventured outside making me return to the warmth of the inside till the sun was well over the yard-arm and had warmed the air.
My Thai basil grows well

During the morning I tended my little garden. I now have growing in three planter boxes some lemongrass, Thai basil, Thai coriander, wild rocket, Italian flat leaf parsley, regular basil, chives, oregano and sage. I work very hard at keeping my little garden alive while MrJ spends all his time trying to kill everything off (sending salt spray everywhere),  such dedication,  he to his sailing and me to my survival ;o)))

The afternoon was spent sitting in the cockpit soaking up the sun’s warmth while it is still there and doing some of my knitting, sort of. I have been knitting a blanket for the boat for four years now, maybe one day I will get it finished. Not today! Bit of a saga this blanket or more like an epic story that just seems to go on forever. Gotta do something the while away the hours on a lazy day.

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