Wednesday 13 June 2012

Shaw Island

Wednesday 13th June 2012
Shaw Island
20’30.274 S – 149’02.813 E
Warm days and cool nights, gentle breezes and no swell

Shaw Island
0800h saw all three boats Alana Rose, Neriki and Forever Dreaming make a move out of the Goldsmith Island anchorage; out and away from the rolly anchorage and sailing not too much further north to the beautiful Shaw Island.

We are now anchored off the south western beach around the headland of Burning Point. It is certainly a much better anchorage with no swell coming around the point, not the rolly action of the sea. Burning Point is an attractive anchorage at the southern end of Shaw Island. The anchorage area is best at 5-12mts to the East of the very tip of the Western point. Datum depths here range from 2 to 8 metres with a grassy bottom. Be sure to not anchor too close to shore. The anchorage is good for East to South West in light to moderately to strong condition, fishing is permitted and it offers great sunset viewing over Lindeman Island.
Rock Cairns
MrJ and I spent yesterday, Tuesday, exploring the beaches and the rocky sea made passage between Burning Point and the island. This passage is where over many years, the boating fraternity has build a multitude of rock cairns. It has become a real tradition to either build your own or add to one of the others; I added to one of the existing cairns.

The beaches at Shaw Island are pristine and very approachable in your dinghy as the tide floods. The grassy bottom in the anchorage also is the home for sea turtles. We kept a good look out and did see a couple breaking the surface for more air as we passed in our dinghy. Beach access is restricted during the months of October to March due to breeding cycles of the Beach Curlew.
Pristine beach
Today was washing day. MrJ pulled the small twin tub plastic washing out of our storage room which I call “the laundry” just because we store the machine in there. MrJ does the washing as it is manual loading of the water while I made a loaf of bread and a small cake for smokos. Tomorrow we will go exploring again.

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