Saturday 5 May 2012

Port Bundaberg Marina

4th May 2012
Port Bundaberg Marina
24’45.622 S – 152’23.244 E
Partly cloudy, occasional showers, cool 20*C

Bundaberg Port Marina
 MrJ and I have only been in Port Bundy (as we all call it) for two day and now we are leaving in the morning.

The morning after anchoring in the Burnett River I rang the marina office and was allocated a berth for our two night stay. There was a light wind blowing from the SE which was blowing AR off the dock plus the strong tidal current was against us. It was much easier for MrJ to back AR into the dock where one of the “boys” (marina workman) waits to take my aft line. He ties it off short so that MrJ can bring AR alongside the dock by using the engines to steer. First thing I do is get the lines secure and then MrJ cuts the engine and was able to help with putting more lines on the bow and stern to keep AR from being pushed off the dock by the wind and current. That done John connects the power and we are all set to go up to the marina office to book in and pay for our stay.

Walking up the finger (jetty/pontoon/walkway) MrJ and I see a few other boats that we recognise and have seen before somewhere out there. We meet up with Barry off TRADEWINDS III who give us some sad news about Sam and Richard our old buddies from the Chandlery. Sam has terminal cancer and is having extensive treatment back home in New Zealand. Our thoughts and prayers go out to them. This news certainly effected both of us deeply; we have lost quite a few friends and family member to this dreadful killer.

MrJ and I had to carry on with our daily chores of washing the boat, fixing little things, lugging the washing to the laundry, cleaning the inside of the boat and other stuff like that. MrJ did wander around to several places, R&R Marine Shop, the Chandlery and the office, making enquiries as to where we could get our hands on a transformer to be able to run AR’s 110vlt air conditioner system, but came up with nothing. The chandlery did have a smaller transformer which is of no use to us – buggar. It looks like we might have to buy a portable air-con when we get to Cairns.

My washing is finished – it takes me several trips to the laundry in between cleaning the inside of the boat to get it all done. There really is not that much, bedding, bathroom towels, handtowels, tea towels and wash clothes but it all has to be carted a long way to get to the washing machines and back again..................!!!

After MrJ and I take a small break for lunch and then we throw the empty jerry cans in a couple of trolleys to get some more fuel for the boat and the generator. I feel like an old work horse and cart and NO I do not look like one. ;o)))

This morning I’m up at daybreak (as usual) to do my morning Yoga exercise routine in the cockpit. The stretches and exercises not only keep me strong, flexible and a little bit fit but it is also very good for the mind and the soul. After exercising I make porridge for our breakfast with a few prunes to keep us regular. MrJ loves his porridge with honey; another great healthy natural remedy for all kinds of ailments.  We need some more vegies and a few things from the shop which is in at Burnett Heads. The bus comes past at 0855 and I get myself up to the bus stop with only five minutes to spare and it is drizzling with rain. When are we going to see the nice warm sunny days with big blue skies again? The IGA at Burnett Heads is a lot bigger than I remembered with reasonable prices and there is a great Post Office Store and a Pharmacy in the same complex. I like shopping at the local places; you get to meet some very interesting people and it is helping to keep the locals in a job. The IGA have a courtesy bus to take me back to the marina loaded down with more food supplies than I thought I was supposed to get. Now the rest of my morning is spent in stowing supplies and it is raining again.

Once lunch is over I decide to take my camera for a little walk around the marina complex. The day is grey and there is not enough sunlight to get any really good shots but an please with a little trail of ants I find scurrying out of the lawn, across the path and into the dirt of the garden. The ants know that there is rain about. The rest of my afternoon; until shower time at 1600h, is spent in writing post cards to the grandkids and editing my photos.

MrJ has gone off to the showers before me; that means that I will have to fight for a shower with other boaties as I am late to go up to the amenities block. It is raining again but I am going to get wet anyway. Yes I am beaten to the ladies showers and I know that MrJ has taken the larger disabled shower room so I yell out for him to let me in. I’m not standing out in the rain waiting for a free shower when I can kick MrJ out of his. No, not really; we share the shower room and save on time.
Sunset on Port Bundy

This evening is the first Friday of the month and that means it is Shagger’s Sundowners at the marina. Wayne from the Yacht Sales hosts the event with a large roll up of local and visiting boaties; some SICYC members and most not. MrJ goes around promoting the Shagger’s and some people are keen to join – I hope they do. I find myself in conversation with a couple of other ladies who have been boating for a few years and like me have done the passage from the Americas to OZ; we have so much in common to talk about and this makes me feel good.
Shaggers at Bundy
Tonight MrJ and I go home for tea; last night we had dinner at the marina cafe, Baltimore’s. Ian runs the place and his wife is the Chef and a very fine Chef she is and beggared if I can remember her name and I have known them for three years. Isn’t that bad...???? Anyway, Ian’s wife, the Chef does an excellent meal. They live on a boat in the marina, own and run the cafe and the fish shop. Back on board we have a simple meal of grilled steak on the BBQ with mash, steamed vegies and gravy and now it is time to do some more writing as I am catching up with the blog notes and to sort through the photos for the day.

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