Wednesday 30 May 2012

Making a Run for Mackay – Kai’s Birthday

Monday 28th May 2012
Making a Run for Mackay – Kai’s Birthday
21’06.888 E – 149’13.509 S
Strong winds, sunny, cool and running seas.
Another day begins on my adventures (Curlew Island)
Not much sleep was had during the night on anchor at Curlew Island. We were having strong winds with bullet up to 30knt shooting around the western bluff headland all night. At one time I really did think that the anchor chain bridal was about to snap; it was making these horrible big crunch of a noise every time the boat was forcible push around. Not a very good night!

0700h; I was so glad to be underway even if the seas were still running, with sloppy waves crashing everywhere. By the time we had sailed through the shallow shoals a bit SE of Hay Point the sea had settle a fraction; or at least enough to give AR a better ride and we had Neriki following.
Sunrise on the Bluff, Curlew Island
The saga of Neriki’s anchor problems just get worse. Now Ric and Shelly are having to hauling their anchor chain and anchor by hand, in rough seas and high winds. No more once we all get into Mackay.
Ship in Port
It took us seven hours to get to Mackay and another 40 minutes to get into the marina and to come along side. MrJ helms AR out of the sloppy sea in through the break wall to the calm water of the Mackay Harbour where there were a few large ships in the outer port loading or unloading their cargo. We had been given a berth way down the end of the marina, as usual. Our berth was a blow-on to the dock situation but there still was another catamaran in the pen next door being blown towards the middle in the strong breeze. It took MrJ and me a couple of goes at getting into out pen; MrJ playing the wind to his advantage and another boaties did come along to take a line for me.

Once AR had been settled, we changed into some clean clothes and take the long walk up to the marina office to check-in.

My how it felt good to be out of those stormy seas and walking on the level again. And yes, I did get to speak to Kai for his birthday, phoning him through the computer with the use of Skype.

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