Friday 27 April 2012

Kauri Creek, Great Sandy Straits

26th April 2012

We are now in the Great Sandy Straits.

25’47.918 S - 152’58.717 E

Cloudy with patchy sunshine to very overcast, cool to cold, light SW changing to SE breeze.
At  0950hr John steers ALANA ROSE into a comfortable anchorage off Gibb Island in Kauri Crk where we find that the STB gearbox is still playing up. AR is doing the donuts around and around while I am trying to anchor; to the amusement of the couple of houseboats in the anchorage. The gearbox will be something to see to and fix tomorrow; for now it is sleep time with a large Irish coffee to warm the bellies. Upon waking “just in time for lunch” says John, ;o))), we find that the weather is no better, still cloudy and cold wind blowing – I hate cold. The wind is so lazy that it goes right through me instead of around me! I got that saying from someone somewhere sometime and thought it was appropriate for the moment. My afternoon is now spent in the saloon downloading photos, writing this blog, watching through the open hatchway (doorway) more houseboat movement; one leaves and another arrives and waiting for the sun to set a little bit later while rugged up in my new warm tracksuit. I can hear the wild birds getting ready for the night. Maybe soon I will shut the hatch (door) to keep the evening cold out.
Sunset at Kauri Creek
Red sky in the morning


  1. Great read guys! We are a little envious as you head off while warhead back to work!

  2. Have you seen the Seawind 1000 "Magnetic Islander" yet? If so, drop by and say hi to Rodger and Kerry.

    1. Did see "Magnetic Islander" on our sail up to Garrys. There were anchored at Snout Point. Haven't see it since we are now staying in Garrys for a few days.
